

Thomas Hong


Dr Thomas Hong graduated from the University of Sydney and was award a Bachelors of Applied Science (Orthoptics) in 2001 and subsequently a Masters of Science in Medicine (Clinical Epidemiology) in 2009. He was awarded a PhD from the University of Sydney in 2015 for his investigation into the effects of long–term visual impairment among an elderly population. He completed an MBA from the Australian Institute of Business in 2019. He has accumulated over 20 years of clinical experience and 16 years of research experience.

He has been involved in large epidemiological studies including the Blue Mountains Eye Study and the Cataract Surgery and Age-related Macular Degeneration Study. He has presented at both local and international conferences and been award several grants. He has several first author publications in well renowned peer-reviewed journals. He is regularly involved in supervising post-graduate research students at the University of Sydney as well as Orthoptic students for the University of Technology Sydney where he an invited lecturer. Thomas has spent 10 years at ACURIO where he held management roles in clinical and research departments at Sydney Retina. He was responsible for managing clinical operations and coordinating international clinical studies assessing new treatments for retinal diseases. In his role as general manager, he is responsible for the management and development of staff.

Thomas now manages CUREOS, a clinical research network of clinical research sites conducting trials in Ophthalmology. CUREOS works with clinical research sites and industry to expand the reach of clinical research and improve the quality of real-world outcomes.

Presentations by Thomas Hong
A Phase 1B Study of the Safety and Tolerability of the Mineralocorticoid Fludrocortisone Acetate in Patients with Geographic Atrophy
A Phase 1B Study of the Safety and Tolerability of the Mineralocorticoid Fludrocortisone Acetate in Patients with Geographic Atrophy
Thomas Hong

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